20 July 2012 : The International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2013), 18-26 May 2013, San Francisco, CA. ICSE is the premier software engineering conference, providing a forum for
researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most
recent innovations, trends, experiences and concerns in the field of
software engineering.
23 April 2012:
Papers of FOME - Future of Middleware - Journal
of Internet Services and Applications, Volume 3 Number 1 is available
on Springer link
20 January 2012: The January 2012 edition of the FET Newsletter has been published at: http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/ict/programme/docs/fp7-fet-nl-10_en.pdf.
3 January 2012: CONNECT in ERCIM News 88 on Evolving Software http://ercim-news.ercim.eu/en88/special -- see papers on Automated Synthesis of CONNECTors to support Software Evolution, Emergent Middleware, and Never-stop Learning: Continuous Validation of Learned Models for Evolving Systems through Monitoring.
7 December 2011: Papers of FOME - Future of Middleware available on JISA-Online First at http://www.springerlink.com/content/1867-4828
30 September 2011 - CONNECT takes part in the International ISoLA Workshop on Machine Learning for Software Construction (http://www.cs.uni-potsdam.de/isola2011/?id=home2). October 17-18, 2011 - Vienna University of Technology, Austria.
CONNECT organizes FOME'11 - Future of Middleware at Middleware'2011. http://2011.middleware-conference.org/fome/fome2011.
FOME'11 brings together a number of invited leading researchers to
offer a comprehensive coverage of key issues that middleware needs to
face. The aims of the event are to take stock of where we are in
middleware, to address the key challenges facing the field, to establish
an agenda for the next wave of middleware research and, most
importantly, to stimulate researchers and build a community to address
the significant challenges we face. In a nutshell, what should
middleware look like in 2020?
1 September 2011- CONNECT Tutorial on Towards Future Proof Interoperability at SERENE autumn school. http://serene2011.uni.lu/School. September 27-28, 2011 - Geneva, Switzerland.
20-06-11 - CONNECT successfully organized SFM-11:CONNECT
- The 11th International School on Formal Methods for the Design of
Computer, Communication and Software Systems: Connectors for Eternal
Networked Software Systems, on 13-18 June 2011 in Bertinoro, Italy. Lectures are published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6659, Springer 2011, ISBN 978-3-642-21454-7. Presentations will also be soon released at the CONNECT training Web page at http://connect-forever.eu/training.html.
1 June 2011:
CONNECT Tutorial on "Model-based Emergent Middleware to Meet the
Challenges of Interoperability in Pervasive Networks" at ESEC-FSE
Technical briefings. http://2011.esec-fse.org/technical-briefings. September 5-9, 2011. Szeged, Hungary.
- The project's 2nd year deliverables that were all accepted at the
successfull 2nd project review, which was held in March 2011, are all
available under the publications page. Visihttp://connect-forever.eu/publication.html to know more.
29-03-11- CONNECT tools are now available from the CONNECT software page at http://connect-forever.eu/software.html.
01-03-11 - Valerie Issarny gives a lecture on CONNECT at the "Ubiquitous computing middleware" workshop, 27-28 June 2001, Fribourg, Swizerland. See http://diuf.unifr.ch/pai/ucm2011/ for the programme.
01-02-11- Work by the Technical University of Dortmund on automata learning won the ZULU challenge (http://labh-curien.univ-st-etienne.fr/zulu/index.php).
10-03-2011: 1st International Workshop on Eternal Systems (EternalS-WS 11), May 3, 2011 - Budapest, Hungary
23-11-2010: CONNECT releases Training material; Visit the Training Page to know more.
12-11-2010: FET 11: The European Future Technologies Conference and
Exhibition - 04-06 May 2011, Budapest
08-11-2010: CONNECT announces SFM-11: CONNECT-
11th International School on Formal Methods for the Design of Computer,
Communication and Software Systems: Connectors for Eternal Networked
Software Systems, 13-18 June 2011, Bertinoro, Italy. Application
deadline is 21 March 2011
02-11-2010: The Learnlib framework for automata learning and experimentation now available for download at http://faelis.cs.uni-dortmund.de/learnlib.de/index.php
30-04-2010: CONNECT organizes a session at ISOLA'2010 to
present its latest results. 20 October 2010, Hersonissos, Crete.
02-04-2010: CONNECT paper "Assume-Guarantee Verification for
Probabilistic Systems" by Marta Kwiatkowska, Gethin Norman, David
Parker and Hongyang Qu was recommended for award at TACAS 2010.
31-03-2010: CONNECT paper "When simulation meets anti-chains" by P.Abdulla, Y-F Chen, L. Holik, R. Mayr, and T. Vojnar
received the EACTS (European Association for Theoretical Computer Science) award for best theoretical paper at
ETAPS 2010.
30-03-2010: CONNECT keynote at Software Composition 2010 -
TOOLS 2010 Federated Conferences--
"From Middleware to on the Fly Connector Synthesis for the Dynamic
Composition of Pervasive Software Intensive Networked Systems" by
Valérie Issarny.
15-03-2010: CONNECT keynote at ViDaS 2010 --
"On the Fly Connector Synthesis: Challenges for Verification & Validation" by Valérie Issarny.
18-02-2010: The online consultation for FET Flagship Initiatives is re-opened.
Visit the
to know more.
17-02-2010: The ICT'2010 Event will take place in Brussels, September 27-29 2010.
07-01-2010: CONNECT supports
The 3rd Workshop on Context-aware Adaptation Mechanisms for Pervasive and Ubiquitous Services,
at DisCoTec'2010,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 10, 2010
08-10-2009: CONNECT supports
The 1st International Workshop on Validation and Verification of Dynamic Software Systems,
at ICST'2010,
Paris, France, April 6-9 2010;
08-10-2009: CONNECT takes part in the
EternalS Coordination Action on Trustworthy Eternal Systems via Evolving
Software, Data and Knowledge, which will be launched March 2010.
08-10-2009: CONNECT summer school to be held in Bertinoro in June 13-18, 2011; more to be released in
September 2010.
08-10-2009: Visit our
publication page
to know more about latest CONNECT research.
30-04-2009: Please support the petition at http://www.ideasforlaquila.org --
it is a call for ideas for L'Aquila.
27-03-2009: CONNECT
session at ICECCS'2009:
14th IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems,
Postdam, Germany, 2-4 June 2009.
27-03-2009: CONNECT poster at