@ 2012 - Site Map - Credits |
P.zza Vincenzo Rivera 1 ,
67 100 L'Aquila , Italy
Phone: +39 08624311
Team members |
Paola Inverardi
Antinisca Di Marco
Assistant professor
Massimo Tivoli
Assistant professor
Romina Spalazzese
PhD student
Marco Autili
Post doc researcher
Vittorio Cortellessa
Associate Professor |
Patrizio Pelliccione
Assistant Professor
Monica Nesi
Associate Professor
Alfonso Pierantonio
Associate Professor
Università degli Studi L’Aquila
Università degli Studi L’Aquila (http://www.univaq.it). is represented by the Computer Science Department (http://www.di.univaq.it) that has developed a solid research experience in the specification and validation of large distributed software systems, in applied Logic and Artificial Intelligence, in the field of algorithms and data structure management and in the optimization field for several application domains from more theoretical to more practical ones. In the Software Engineering area, the main focus of the research activities are software architectures, component-based programming, internet-based programming, security and verification issues, service oriented architectures, ubiquitous computing, and software systems synthesis.
Expertise brought to CONNECT
The team of Università degli Studi L’Aquila brings its research expertise in the areas of software architectures and Systems Synthesis to CONNECT. The participating group has developed a consolidated experience in the field of architectural design from the specification to the verification of complex systems. Regarding architectural design, the undertaken research concentrates on architecture description techniques, and their use to improve and to facilitate the verification and validation phases of a system. The group has a very strong background in using architectural descriptions to analyze quantitative aspects, such as performance and reliability, and to automatically synthesize coordinators for component-based systems.
Contribution to CONNECT research
Within CONNECT, the team contributes to the elicitation of specification formalisms to reason about both functional and non-functional characteristics of a connector. The team further intends to develop approaches to the run-time and automatic synthesis of application-layer connectors with respect to both functional and non-functional properties.