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1 rue Alphand
75 013 PARIS

Ambientic joined CONNECT in November 2011

Phone: +33 (0)1 39 63 51 53

Team members
Pierre Guillaume Raverdy

Pierre Guillaume Raverdy

CEO of Ambientic

Roberto Speicys Cardoso

Roberto Speicys-Cardoso

CTO of Ambientic

Emil Andriescu

Emil Andriescu

PhD student

Rachid Saadi

Rachid Saadi

R&D engineer




Ambientic ( is a spin-off of INRIA that transfers INRIA’s research in the area of distributed middleware solutions for mobile phones so as to enable mobile collaborative applications among services hosted on heterogeneous mobile phone platforms (i.e., iPhone, Android, J2ME, WindowsMobile). With its dual expertise in pervasive computing research and cutting-edge software development for mobile phones, Ambientic offers innovative solutions to mobile ad hoc interaction. Ambientic was created in March 2011 in Paris, France, and is commercializing a first suite of mobile collaborative services, called U-Event, which is aimed at fostering communication among actors at any event (e.g., visitors, exhibitors and panelists at trade show or conference). Ambientic was awarded for two consecutive years the prestigious prize (and associated funding) of the National Competition of Technology Innovative Start-up Projects in the categories of Best Emerging Projects (2009) and Best Starting Projects (2010).


Contribution to CONNECT

Ambientic brings its know-how in the area of development of mobile collaborative services across heterogeneous platforms, spanning the development of supporting middleware and application services on top of the middleware.


Expertise brought CONNECT

Ambientic will contribute to the realisation of the CONNECT solution for the mobile environment regarding both: (i) the development of the core technology and (ii) the development of application scenarios exploiting CONNECT solutions. From the standpoint of the former area, Ambientic’s contribution will in particular relate to enabling interoperability across heterogeneous streaming protocols and to the further development of the discovery enabler. Regarding the latter area, Ambientic will experiment with the CONNECT technology for the development of mobile collaborative application services.


The CONNECT project acknowledges the financial support of the Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) programme within the ICT theme of the Seventh Framework Programme for Research of the European Commission.



